Sunday, July 26, 2009


Here I am, sitting here at 1am thinking about healthcare..yeah, you heard right, healthcare! It seems to be the en vogue issue of the day to our Fearless Leader in the White House and all his cronies in Congress.Governor Mike Huckabee had a very interesting take on the subject that made complete sense to me. Why should we stifle financial incentives for doctors? If socialized medicine were to come to our shores it would take any motive for our best and brightest to work hard and make extreme sacrifices to become doctors. The idea that people just go into medicine to save lives is at best antiquated in our commerical age. I want the smartest and brightest working on me, not the mediocre and apathetic!

1 comment:

  1. But our current healthcare system is the most expensive of industrialized nations and (here's the kicker) has the worst output of industrialized nations!!

    I am not a big socialized, universal healthcare guy. Don't take this the wrong way, but I know something needs to be done about that above issue. The current set up is EXTREMELY inefficient and ineffective.

    I am more interested in people's ideas of how to make it better instead of complaints of the ideas Obama or others are coming up with.

    So sure, Huckabee makes a good point, one I happen to agree with, but what is his contribution? What is his idea?

    I wish I was smart enough to have one myself. To be one hundred percent honest, I am not going to sit here and act like I know anything about it.
